Workers Comp/Short Term Disability
Workers’ Compensation
All states require all employers to carry Workers’ Compensation/Employer’s Liability insurance and each state has individual laws that must be met. Workers Compensation protects your employees should a job related injury or sickness occur during the course of employment. Payments are made to the injured party and can consist of medical payments, loss of wages or therapy. Premiums are based upon occupations, classifications, payroll, experience, and State modifications. Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability are mandatory.
How long can an employee collect benefits? Who is eligible for benefits? What happens in the event of non-compliance?
Download Edward J. Mackoul’s article, “The Ins and Outs of Workers Compensation” for answers to these questions, as well as details about Workers Compensation Benefits. To download, click the button below that says “Download Article.”
Short Term Disability
Provides benefits to employees who may become disabled because of injuries/sickness that are not employment related, or that may arise from pregnancy. Payments for these types of benefits are short term, up to six months. Benefits are usually 50%-60% of income with a stated dollar amount as a maximum. In New York state, maximum benefit is $170.00 per week.
For information regarding Workers Compensation or Disability Benefits or other coverages that may not be listed, email us at
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